Get Clarity on what’s distracting you.

This is a great conversation for most of us because it is so easy for us these days to get distracted from what we really want to create and get pulled into another direction doing something else, which is often times can be someone else’s vision that they are enrolling us in.

So what is it that you really want to do and what is most distracting you from that?  Let’s explore a few options and then allow yourself to expand upon this list and begin to write down the distractions in your life.

Here are a few distractions:  Facebook, email, TV, your relationships, unhealthy food choices, obsessing about something, your negative thought patterns, the belief that you can’t do it.



So take some time now to answer these questions and jot down the notes in your journal.  

  • What distracts you from being able to do what you want to do, to set up your life in a way that supports you in creating exactly what you want to create.  What specifically distracts you?  Take out your journal and jot down what most distracts you.
  • What’s one distraction you are ready to work on this week?  What’s one thing you will do differently this week to give yourself the focus you need?  ie.  I will not pick up the phone while I’m working on my project or I won’t engage in any relationship issues while I’m working.

Now, let’s look at DISCONNECTION.  Disconnection can be anything from disconnecting from your actual vision or disconnecting from what you want to create to you being disconnected from yourself, from your strength, from your power or from the knowing and belief that you are who you need to be.

Other ways you may be disconnected-  You may be disconnected from your resolve, from your confidence, from your commitment, from your strength or just from yourself- you may be disconnected from your intuition, from your own inner peace, from what makes you feel good.  It’s important to know what makes us feel good because when we feel good, we are at peace and centered and when we are centered, we make good choices.  We take the time to focus on what we want to focus on.

So take some time now to answer these questions and jot down the notes in your jounal.  

  • Where are you disconnected?  Are you disconnected from yourself?  From your abilities, your power, your strength, your intuition, are you disconnected from what you want to create?  Are you disconnected from knowing that you need more organization in your business?  Are you disconnected from being honest with yourself that one of your relationships is causing you a lot of inner chaos or turmoil?  Just write it down.   What are you disconnected from?
  • What’s one thing you will do this week to get re-connected to yourself?  ie.  I will take time to meditate, do yoga or do something I love.  I will give myself time to work on what is most important to me.

Once you are clear as to what is most distracting you, look this week at what you can do to set boundaries, say no and create more time and space to take action on what you truly want to create.

Bravo on taking this step and doing this amazing inner reflection!  I would love to support you further in moving past your distractions and guiding you to get re-connected with all that you are so you can have more of what you want!  I know you will gain so much insight, clarity and wisdom from the 8-week online course, “Triumph over whatever’s holding you back!”.  I will be with you supporting you every step of the way.

With love,

Diane Altomare Signature

Start Today & Gain Insight, Clarity and Wisdom.

The 8-week online course If you’ve ever wondered why you can’t seem to create or attract ALL of what you desire in your life, career or business and are ready to move past what’s been holding you back and re-design your life, this 8-week online course is for you! I guarantee that you will complete this course feeling inspired, motivated and on fire!


“This course has already been amazing in just week one! It has been a challenge to move forward in my life as I’ve had a lot of setbacks lately, however after reflection & working on the 4 step process in week one, I’ve been learning a lot about myself and what is holding me back. I feel like I’m on the way to achieving all my dreams and goals! Thank you for this amazing gift of encouragement and insight!” Joylani


bev too1This course is allowing me to be open to many things, such as a deeper connection with my sister and sharing my feelings through words. Lately I have been writing down phrases and ideas for a book that I would like to do with her….a collaboration that I can cherish and pass down to our grandchildren. This course will not only help you complete your “bucket list”, it will indeed, fill your bucket.

Triumph over whatever’s holding you back.

Begin the 8-week online course today and create what you truly desire in your life!

Diane, you are such an amazing human being. Because of our connection this week I was able to shift my thoughts from worry (past negatives to positive) to faith. My week has been filled with blessings and important accomplishments. Thank you!I am a dreamer and believe in miracles.  It is a miracle that I have made it this far in life!  I have always known deep in my soul that I was destined for great things in my life.  It is true, life is about alignment when all of the stars are aligned, things happen and opportunities present themselves in the right moment and time.   Diane came into my life at the right moment.  No longer could I ignore my intuition gnawing at me.   My truth, I was the product of a dysfunctional family of deep seeded addiction.  I knew from prior counseling and reading every self-help book on co-dependency that I was a classic enabler to my own detriment.  I could no longer control my environment or those around me.   When Diane came into my life I had been through so many trials and struggles. I was broken but still determined to fight for my dreams.  I knew she was to be part of my journey.  I was forced to reinvent myself both personally and professionally at middle age in difficult economic times.  Instinctively my mind, body and soul knew it was in transition on the verge of transcending to the next level in my life’s journey.  Fear was consuming me and stifling any forward movement I made.  It was debilitating at times. Once I made a commitment to invest in myself and commit to coaching sessions with Diane, my world truly began to change in so many amazing ways. In the first couple of sessions we identified my limiting beliefs, my triggers, and my saboteur. The realization that I had become and lived the very things I hated was a huge awakening.  By doing so I was able to forgive myself and others to allow love to flow in my life.  With this new sense of love, freedom and courage flowed allowing me to begin conquering my fears.  Diane gave me tools to manage the anxiety and fear that was preventing my growth and learning, and reaching my true potential.  As our sessions progressed they became more intense and powerful unlocking my true gifts.  I discovered my inner child and what an important integral part she is to my healing.  As fear transition into love, courage, and strength I began to trust in the process of life.  Diane’s coaching has helped me get a job that is a great match for my abilities and skills.  I am graduating this fall with a bachelor’s in Business Administration from a private university.  I have learned to set healthy boundaries in all areas of my life.  Most importantly, I love and value myself and know I deserve all the best that life has to offer.  I attract so many wonderful opportunities and the best part is I go for them all confidently!  I would not have made all of this progress and healing in my life if I had not met Diane.  Only with her coaching and guidance have I been able to truly grow.  She will always be my life coach and my executive coach!