What Diane’s clients are saying!

“I’ve been fortunate enough to work with Diane Altomare. Diane has always been someone that I could turn to to help me cope with the pressures of being on television everyday… from the constant criticism to those little voices in my head that told me I wasn’t smart enough, pretty enough or funny enough… I know I am not alone in those feelings. She also helped me work through the guilt and pressures of being a working mom.”

Diane, you have such a grounded, soft and beautiful spirit that is warm and inviting; and vibrates light, without judgment. Your energy and warmth says, “come be fed, be loved, come and embrace a newness and walk away, authentically you.”
People can reach to you. You aren’t taking them by the hand or the wrist in this powerful course, you are holding them fully, like one does when helping someone get on and off a boat. With security, that if you slip and fall, I’ve got you. You have such a beautiful way about you and are a huge light in this world!

Working with Diane has been life-changing. Not only has she helped me develop the skills to grow a business (that is one of the fastest growing teams) BUT she taught me how to find my purpose in life! Do you know how freeing and powerful that is? She is an invaluable gift that will help you shine your light!

She has a gift for nailing the deep truth behind any situation and always asks the perfect questions. The crazy that accompanied me to our call today is settled in truth, understanding and love. Now I feel I can move forward and I know just what to do. What a beautiful woman, inspiring coach and a leader for us all. Love you so much Diane!

In the first couple of sessions we identified my limiting beliefs, my triggers, and my saboteur. The realization that I had become and lived the very things I hated was a huge awakening. By doing so I was able to forgive myself and others to allow love to flow in my life. With this new sense of love, freedom and courage flowed allowing me to begin conquering my fears. Diane gave me tools to manage the anxiety and fear that was preventing my growth and learning, and reaching my true potential. As our sessions progressed they became more intense and powerful unlocking my true gifts. I discovered my inner child and what an important integral part she is to my healing. As fear transition into love, courage, and strength I began to trust in the process of life. Diane’s coaching has helped me get a job that is a great match for my abilities and skills. I am graduating this fall with a bachelor’s in Business Administration from a private university. I have learned to set healthy boundaries in all areas of my life. Most importantly, I love and value myself and know I deserve all the best that life has to offer. I attract so many wonderful opportunities and the best part is I go for them all confidently! I would not have made all of this progress and healing in my life if I had not met Diane. Only with her coaching and guidance have I been able to truly grow. She will always be my life coach and my executive coach!
In a 1 hour talk and guided meditation, Diane gave me the key to, “Move Beyond My Limitations!” Diane speaks with a soft tone that has an underlying sense of power. She got my attention.
I knew that at the end of that meeting something in me had shifted. I knew what was holding me back but I did not know the tidal wave of activity and success that would follow.
Thank you Diane for the love and energy you so freely give to those you are speaking to. Your impact on my life was so quiet and unassuming, yet filled with power and optimism.
I am grateful!

I can’t express enough how grateful I am that Diane Altomare has come into my life. Having done one on one work with her was a life changer for me. I was able to see all the limiting behaviors and beliefs, face them head on, and learn a new way to cope. Once Diane wrote her book, I immediately ordered a copy, and I’m so glad I did. It is literally a handbook, a tool box even, for all the ways to get through life’s hurdles and live your best life. Now, just because I’ve done the work and read the book doesn’t mean I’ve reached the pinnacle of self enlightenment. I do still get stuck, just not in the way I used to. That’s where her course comes in and saves the day. To get that weekly support from Diane, even just hearing her voice makes you feel like anything is possible. What I didn’t expect was how helpful it was hearing other’s perspectives and experiences that were shared that led me to a few “a-ha” moments. I’m not sure where else you can get this abundance of support and information. I’ve been through a couple of her courses and I can say that no two are alike. The love and support you get from Diane and other participants is priceless. I have improved relationships in my life and built a confidence level I didn’t think I could reach. I encourage anyone who wants a better life for themselves to, work with Diane now!! You deserve the best life you can live.