“I’ve been fortunate enough to work with Diane Altomare. Diane has always been someone that I could turn to help me cope with the pressures of being on television everyday. . . from the constant criticism to those little voices in my head that told me I wasn’t smart enough, pretty enough, or funny enough. This groundbreaking book is a step-by-step guide to draw on her wisdom and embrace, once and for all, that you’re more than enough.”
- Lisa Breckenridge, Journalist & NBC Correspondent

“I’m inspired by Diane’s ability to profoundly and intuitively connect people to the root of their unhappiness. With Altomare’s revolutionary approach to living your life from the inside out, you can’t help but feel greater peace, happiness, and fulfillment.”
-Marci Shimoff, New York Times best-selling author of Happy For No Reason and the co-author of six Chicken Soup For The Soul books

This is not a book to just read once and walk away, it is a beautiful resource where you can jump into any chapter to get the guidance you need for that moment. If you are caught up in self doubt, jump right to Chapter 6, if you are fighting with your highly critical inner voice go to Chapter 9, and you will find the tips and exercises you can do immediately to work through these negative thought patterns and to move forward. More Than Enough is easy to read and masterfully written! This is a book for everyone!!!”
-Ann Myers, Personal Trainer

“More Than Enough is a powerful book that will train you to transform the mean, negative, limiting voices in your head into a loving, kind, supportive soundtrack that reminds you of how deserving and wonderful you really are. Commit to following the simple, healing exercises provided, and be amazed and delighted at how great your life will be when you learn to love all of yourself.”
- Arielle Ford, Author, The Love Thief

“Little did I know then what a life changing impact Diane would have on me. The time I’ve spent working with her and employing her techniques has led me to a place of greater peace, more success in my business, more confidence than I ever thought was possible and a deeper love for myself and everyone else in my life. Diane is a master at helping us get to the heart of who we are and embrace our true greatness! I loved reading this book and look forward to rereading it many times in the future!”

Diane Ondracek Henry, Pharmacist & Qualifying National Marketing Director

Guidance. Wisdom. Transformation.

Click here to read chapter one

 In More Than Enough, you will gain wisdom, guidance, and powerful techniques to gracefully transcend self-doubt, take your courage & self-confidence to a whole new level, stop basing your worth on exterior circumstances or day to day disappointments or achievements, enjoy what’s good, achieve your biggest dreams and love yourself, despite the negative soundtrack in your mind telling you, “I don’t feel like it, I can’t do this, what if I fail, I’m not good enough, smart enough, talented enough, courageous enough, influential enough, attractive enough and on and on.” By reconnecting to your “powerful, wise, you’ve-got-this, go-for-it” self, you will be on the path to creating a life that is peaceful, joyous, inspiring, and fulfilling. Take a transformational step today by getting audio snippets from More Than Enough delivered to your inbox every day for the next 14 days. Sign up for the audios here –> More Than Enough Bite-Size audios

More Than Enough Book will show you how to create an amazing year full of self-love, confidence, peace, fulfillment and success!





Ready to dive in and want to read More Than Enough with an amazing group of women? Join Diane Altomare, the author of More Than Enough & an amazing group of like-minded individuals, as you become immersed in this life-changing, transformational work… and gain everything you need to create all that you desire in your life despite self-doubt, not feeling enough or the inner critic that may be making you feel bad about yourself. Simply register for the book club series here –> More Than Enough Book Club Series

Then, grab a cup of calming tea, cozy up on the couch, and join us for our first book club call Tuesday, April 22nd at 5:30 pm PST. ❤️ Message me with any questions. Love, Diane


#1: 5 LIVE group calls via phone every other week. Each call lasts 1 hour and is led by Master Certified Integrative Coach, Diane Altomare. All calls are recorded.

#2: An individual 50 minute phone coaching session with Diane (valued at $150).

#3: The opportunity to connect daily with Diane and other members of the book club in a private group chat via voxer. Connect with this community of like-minded people seeking peace, clarity, abundance, joy, support & fulfillment.

We begin on Tuesday, April 22nd and will have our LIVE group call every other Tuesday night at 5:30 PST. All the calls are recorded. The dates of our 5 calls are:

*April 22nd, May 6th, May 20th, June 3rd, & June 17th

During thousands of hours of coaching others over the past 20 years, I have witnessed the debilitating ways this not good enough, limiting self can keep the greatest, most unique human beings from fulfilling their purpose and creating what they desire in their lives. Sometimes it’s mind boggling to witness all the light people possess and how quickly they jump to diminish it and discount it.

If you too, are tired of allowing this part of you to rob you of your dreams and hold you back, join us for this empowering journey so you can free yourself from the constant inner criticism, become who you’re meant to be, live your best life, and enjoy the journey, along the way.

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