The emotions you experience often can lead you to the answers you most need. So let’s begin this process of exploring your emotions.  We will start by using the emotion or emotions you experience often, as a guide into what’s happening within you.  Close your eyes for a moment and allow yourself to identify what emotion you experience often.   Maybe you often experience anger, guilt, numbness, frustration or maybe shame.  We are going to call this emotion you experience often- your default emotion.  A default emotion is that emotion you go to often, even if it doesn’t fit the situation or is an inappropriate response to the circumstances. It’s important to determine what your default emotion is so that you can become conscious of when this emotion shows up and more importantly, be able to identify how it may be covering up some deeper emotion.  In other words, it may be covering up how you truly feel about what is going on or what has happened. The next step is to identify what the deeper emotions underneath the default emotion are.  Once you are clear as to what the true emotions are, you will have more insight into what is happening within you and what you may need to do or adjust in your life in order to get more of what you want. Think back to a time when someone reacted extremely or intensely to something you did or said and the reaction caught you off guard.  You may have thought to yourself, “That’s not an appropriate response to this situation.”  It is highly likely that there was something else going on within them that caused them to react in that way.  They were either triggered by the situation in some way or something previously happened prior to that event that they were still upset about or that hadn’t yet been resolved within them. Your challenge for this week:  notice what emotion you go to “often” and then take a deep breath and allow yourself to identify what you are feeling underneath that emotion. Use this exercise to delver deeper into the voice of your emotions and how to move through them- The Voice of Your Emotions. Learn how to move through these emotions and create more of what you desire in your life in the 8-week online course.