
Are you ready to create what you desire and achieve your goals this year, but are finding it hard to know what to do or where to start? In order to create something new in our lives, we must look at the way we spend our time and energy. Taking the time to do this is extremely vital as we will often find ways that we are depleting our precious energy and giving our time away. As you go throughout your week, notice if the places you spend your time and energy are focused and will help you to create what you desire. If not, write them down and commit to making small changes that will give you more time and energy to focus on what you truly want to create.

In this power-packed 10 minute exercise, we will get clarity on what you need to do and what small steps you can take this week to begin creating what you want.

Coaching Exercise:

Sit in a quiet space with a pen and paper, ask yourself the following questions:
1)  Is my life set up to support me in easily creating what I desire? Ie. Do I have the time, energy and focus to spend doing what I need to do, to create what I desire this year?
2)  If I continue doing what I am currently doing each week, will I easily fulfill my vision?
3)  What would I need to let go of to make time and energy to create this vision or accomplish this goal? Ie. Stop wasting time on the phone or in my email; Limit the amount of time I watch TV, Let go of focusing on a negative relationship, etc.
4)  What action can I take this week to begin fulfilling my vision?
5)  Do I need support or guidance or someone to hold me accountable?

Take a few moments to review your answers and schedule whatever actions you need to take this week!  I support you in creating what you desire!