Fear can often render us powerless. . .but, here’s the key to moving forward anyway.
Fear can be one of those emotions that is very paralyzing. It can get in the way of us moving forward on a project we are excited about or speaking up when we know we need to say something. . . and of course, fear causes us to stay stuck in so many other ways.
But there is the gift of our fear- fear is an amazing messenger and just like every other emotion, it’s here to guide us and give us clarity on what we need to do next to create more of what we want.
So one powerful way to move beyond your fear is to lean into that emotion. Instead of being “afraid” of your fear or trying to avoid it, give it an expression. So in other words, what is that fear trying to communicate to you or express in that moment? Maybe it’s telling you you’re not as prepared as you need to be, maybe the fear is letting you know there’s something new you need to learn or that you need support in some way to achieve that next level of success or peace that you want in your life.
HERE’S THE KEY: Leaning into our emotions and gaining the insight they hold for us gives us valuable information and most importantly, it allows you to move the energy of that emotion instead of allowing that emotion to control you and keep you stuck where you are.
In Clarity, I devote a whole chapter to winning the battle of Faith Vs Fear. Grab a copy of Clarity and then join us for the LIVE Clarity Book series. And if you haven’t already downloaded chapter one of my book, Clarity. . . you can download it now here.
In this video, I share exactly how to move beyond the fear. Peace and harmony await you! Watch it now.
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