Everyday we have the opportunity to begin again- to create our life from scratch! In every moment, we can decide where we want to focus our time, energy and attention. When we get stuck in a certain way of being or a pattern that isn’t serving us anymore, therein lies a moment of choice.
We can choose to start over! We can choose to begin again. We can connect with the part of us that knows that life in every moment is being created and we are the powerful creators of our own experience.
Right now in this moment- make that choice! Choose to start over. Pick something new in this moment that you want to have in your life. And ask yourself, “If I am standing in the knowing that I can absolutely create this, what would I be focusing on right now?” “What actions would I take?” “What would I be doing?” And then go take those actions.
Our future is created by the actions we take today. Choose your future powerfully!
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“I am a dreamer and believe in miracles. It is a miracle that I have made it this far in life! I have always known deep in my soul that I was destined for great things in my life. It is true, life is about alignment when all of the stars are aligned, things happen and opportunities present themselves in the right moment and time. Diane came into my life at the right moment. No longer could I ignore my intuition gnawing at me. My truth, I was the product of a dysfunctional family of deep seeded addiction. I knew from prior counseling and reading every self-help book on co-dependency that I was a classic enabler to my own detriment. I could no longer control my environment or those around me. When Diane came into my life I had been through so many trials and struggles. I was broken but still determined to fight for my dreams. I knew she was to be part of my journey. I was forced to reinvent myself both personally and professionally at middle age in difficult economic times. Instinctively my mind, body and soul knew it was in transition on the verge of transcending to the next level in my life’s journey. Fear was consuming me and stifling any forward movement I made. It was debilitating at times. Once I made a commitment to invest in myself and commit to coaching sessions with Diane, my world truly began to change in so many amazing ways.
In the first couple of sessions we identified my limiting beliefs, my triggers, and my saboteur. The realization that I had become and lived the very things I hated was a huge awakening. By doing so I was able to forgive myself and others to allow love to flow in my life. With this new sense of love, freedom and courage flowed allowing me to begin conquering my fears. Diane gave me tools to manage the anxiety and fear that was preventing my growth and learning, and reaching my true potential. As our sessions progressed they became more intense and powerful unlocking my true gifts. I discovered my inner child and what an important integral part she is to my healing. As fear transition into love, courage, and strength I began to trust in the process of life. Diane’s coaching has helped me get a job that is a great match for my abilities and skills. I am graduating this fall with a bachelor’s in Business Administration from a private university. I have learned to set healthy boundaries in all areas of my life. Most importantly, I love and value myself and know I deserve all the best that life has to offer. I attract so many wonderful opportunities and the best part is I go for them all confidently! I would not have made all of this progress and healing in my life if I had not met Diane. Only with her coaching and guidance have I been able to truly grow. She will always be my life coach and my executive coach!” -Denise