In order to be powerful creators of our life experience, it is crucial to understand and see how our emotions affect everything we do. And most importantly, to identify how each one of our actions is always wrapped up in some emotion, whether that emotion is negative or positive. Let’s look at how this can affect you in your life. Imagine giving someone the gift of your time. Let’s imagine that your time could be wrapped up in a box. See yourself showing up for lunch with your friend and in your hand you have a box- a box of your “time” that has been beautifully wrapped up with the energy of “love”. See what this box looks like. Imagine it is wrapped up in beautiful gold exquisite wrapping paper and has the most pristine white and gold ribbon on top. When you give this gift of your time wrapped up this way you feel ‘loving’ and the person who receives it feels ‘loved’.
Now imagine you show up to give the same gift of time and now instead of this beautifully wrapped box, you show up with a box wrapped in black and red tattered wrapping paper that has tears and scratches all over it and has been so damaged that the box is now mangled. You are giving the same gift of your time, but the emotion you are sharing now may be anger and hatred, for example. You feel angry and hateful as you give your time and the person receiving it feels that same anger and hate you are sharing.
Although this story is fiction, it is essential to use it as a metaphor to see what you are wrapping your daily life and daily actions in. The emotion that you bring to each action pre-determines what will happen as a result. It’s not just what we do that matters, it’s the energy we bring to it that has much more of an impact on us, others and the end result. This is why it is so worth your time and effort to examine your emotions and clearly identify what they are here to teach you. When you can do that, you are able to receive the information you need and allow that emotion to move through you. And then you are free to move on to a new experience.
Take a deep breath, close your eyes and allow yourself a few moments to explore the answers to these questions.
• What emotion have you wrapped your daily life in? What are your actions this week wrapped in?
Passion, depression, excitement, joy, anxiety, worry, fear, boredom or another emotion
• Does that wrapper signify the experiences and emotions you most want to have?
Ie. If worry is the emotion you wrap your actions in most of the time, the question you need to ask yourself is, “What do I really want my experiences to be wrapped up in?”
• What’s one self-boosting activity you can do this week to create more passion, excitement or joy in your life so you can take focus off some of the negative emotions you are feeling?
Ie. Follow through on something you’ve wanted to do, enjoy a friend’s company, read 5 great things about yourself everyday
• Immediately following your self-boosting activity, what’s one action you want to take and what emotion do you want to wrap it up in?
Ie. After you read 5 great things about yourself, make that sales call with the joyful energy you just created from your self-boosting activity.